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Fmt Page Name

PmWiki.FmtPageName History

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February 06, 2017, at 01:34 AM by Kaed - eevHNrXd
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The voice of <a href="http://oteiiy.com">rayttnaliio!</a> Good to hear from you.
To think, I was cofsuned a minute ago. http://tgenqp.com [url=http://ogmvaq.com]ogmvaq[/url] [link=http://hihncxwnyl.com]hihncxwnyl[/link]
February 04, 2017, at 01:28 AM by Willie - SXDheS4ZXcAf
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I was really confused, and this answered all my qunseiots. http://gwlgjds.com [url=http://lywvsmruw.com]lywvsmruw[/url] [link=http://lnhntgenttt.com]lnhntgenttt[/link]
The voice of <a href="http://oteiiy.com">rayttnaliio!</a> Good to hear from you.
February 01, 2017, at 07:45 PM by Gabby - p8vQsCVG
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Your answer shows real <a href="http://arlnmtirgkj.com">iniceltgenle.</a>
I was really confused, and this answered all my qunseiots. http://gwlgjds.com [url=http://lywvsmruw.com]lywvsmruw[/url] [link=http://lnhntgenttt.com]lnhntgenttt[/link]
January 29, 2017, at 04:37 PM by Jaclyn - 0ILHS4AubCo
Changed line 1 from:
Sorry for not coming back on this one. We added the Event caegroty a couple of weeks back. You should now be able to associate your company to the Events caegroty once you have logged in. You can also upload photos, etc. Please let me know if you have any difficulty and I&#8217;ll be happy to help.Best re,ardsgMartin.
Your answer shows real <a href="http://arlnmtirgkj.com">iniceltgenle.</a>
January 29, 2017, at 04:13 AM by Doughboy - ryboA6rQXQ
Changed lines 1-142 from:
%audience% admins (advanced)
This page describes an internal function in PmWiki's engine called
[@FmtPageName()@]. The contents are not intended for those with a weak heart

Also see: [[PmWiki.Functions]]

!![[#FmtPageName]] [@FmtPageName@]($fmt, $pagename)

[[#FmtPageName-desc]]Returns [@$fmt@], with $variable and $[internationalisation] substitutions performed, under the assumption that the current page is [@pagename@]. See [[PmWiki.Variables]] for an (incomplete) list of available variables, [[PmWiki.Internationalizations]] for internationalisation.

The function [@FmtPageName()@] applies internationalization-substitutions
and $Variable-substitions to the string $fmt under the assumption that the
current page is $pagename.

The substitutions goes as follows:

# Replace any sequences of the form [@$XyzFmt@] with value of any \
corresponding global variable.
# Process the string for any [@$[...]@] phrases (internationalized phrase), \
using the currently loaded translation tables.
# Perform any pattern replacements from the array $FmtP. Typically \
this is used to handle things like $Name and $Group etc that are \
specific to the name of the current page.
# If $EnablePathInfo isn't set, convert [@URIs@] to use the syntax \
$ScriptUrl?n=<Group>.<Name> instead of $ScriptUrl/<Group>/<Name>.
# Replace any $-sequences with global variables (caching as needed) \
of the same name (in reverse alphabetical order) *
# Replace any $-sequences with values out of the array $FmtV.

Note that [@FmtPageName@]() is automatically aware of any global
variables. However, since modifying global variables may be expensive, the
array $FmtV exists as a way to avoid rebuilding the variable cache for
values that change frequently.

To be very specific, here's what Pm wrote regarding different ways of
defining a variable that can be used by FmtPageName (when it is formatting a

* Set a global variable. FmtPageName() automatically performs \
substitution on all global variables that aren't arrays. \
If the variable is going to change value over repeated calls \
to FmtPageName, it's probably better to use $FmtV as in the next item.

* Set a value in the $FmtV array. $FmtV['$MyVariable']='something' \
means to replace instances of '$MyVariable' with 'something'. \
Use this for variables that change value frequently over \
multiple calls to FmtPageName.

* Set a pattern/replacement in the $FmtP array. This is normally \
done for substitutions that have to be dynamic somehow based on \
the pagename being referenced, such as '$Title', '$Group', '$Name', \
'$PageUrl', etc.

Also see: [[Cookbook:Functions#FmtPageName]]

Finally, here's something else Pm wrote that is related and explains
why we have this function:

-> In order to produce its output, PmWiki has to do a variety of string \

## Generating the full name, group, title, or url of a page \
(other than the currently displayed page)
## Substituting the values of global variables
## Performing internationalization substitutions
## Converting $ScriptUrl/$Group/$Name to $ScriptUrl?n=$Group.$Name \
for sites that cannot handle PATH_INFO urls
## Other substitutions needed by specific functions

-> PmWiki centralizes all of that substitute-a-dynamic-value-in-a-string \
into the FmtPageName() subroutine. Because some things are extremely \
dynamic, such as the url or group for an arbitrary page that is not the \
current one, those things cannot be simple global PHP variables. Or, if \
they do become global variables, they're variables that cannot be \
trusted to hold a value for very long because some other routine (that \
may happen to be formatting a string for a different page) will come \
along and change that global variable for whatever it happens to be doing.

-> A limited set of $-substitutions -- basically anything that \
corresponds to a page attribute -- are not PHP variables and \
are only available through the FmtPageName() subroutine. \
The complete set of these special substitutions is $Group, \
$Name, $FullName, $PageUrl, $Title, $Titlespaced, $Namespaced, \
$Groupspaced, $LastModifiedBy, $LastModifiedHost, and $LastModified. \
These items cannot just be standard PHP variables because often\
PmWiki needs to obtain the url, name, group, title, etc. of a page \
other than the one currently being viewed by a browser.

-> At the moment, $Title, $LastModified, $LastModifiedBy, and \
$LastModifiedHost can only work if the page's attributes have been \
loaded and cached using the `PCache function. So, to get\
at these values one must typically do:

-> [@
$page = `ReadPage($pagename);
PCache($pagename, $page);
$pvar = `FmtPageName('$Title', $pagename);
$pvar = `FmtPageName('$`LastModifiedBy', $pagename);

!! Source code for [@FmtPageName()@]

Note: The source code below was taken from "pmwiki-2.0.beta55", while the
current version is {$Version}.

-> [@
## FmtPageName handles $[internationalization] and $Variable
## substitutions in strings based on the $pagename argument.
function FmtPageName($fmt,$pagename) {
# Perform $-substitutions on $fmt relative to page given by $pagename
global $GroupPattern, $NamePattern, $EnablePathInfo, $ScriptUrl,
$GCount, $UnsafeGlobals, $FmtV, $FmtP, $PCache, $AsSpacedFunction;
if (strpos($fmt,'$')===false) return $fmt;
$fmt = preg_replace('/\\$([A-Z]\\w*Fmt)\\b/e','$GLOBALS[\'$1\']',$fmt);
$fmt = preg_replace('/\\$\\[(?>([^\\]] ))\\]/e',"XL(PSS('$1'))",$fmt);
$match = array('','$Group','$Name');
if (preg_match("/^($GroupPattern)[\\/.]($NamePattern)\$/", $pagename, $m))
$match = $m;
$fmt = preg_replace(array_keys($FmtP),array_values($FmtP),$fmt);
$fmt = preg_replace('!\\$ScriptUrl/([^?#\'"\\s<>] )!e',
(@$EnablePathInfo) ? "'$ScriptUrl/'.PUE('$1')" :
if (strpos($fmt,'$')===false) return $fmt;
static $g;
if ($GCount != count($GLOBALS) count($FmtV)) {
$g = array();
foreach($GLOBALS as $n=>$v) {
if (is_array($v) || is_object($v) ||
isset($FmtV["\$$n"]) || in_array($n,$UnsafeGlobals)) continue;
$g["\$$n"] = $v;
$GCount = count($GLOBALS) count($FmtV);
krsort($g); reset($g);
$fmt = str_replace(array_keys($g),array_values($g),$fmt);
$fmt = str_replace(array_keys($FmtV),array_values($FmtV),$fmt);
return $fmt;
Sorry for not coming back on this one. We added the Event caegroty a couple of weeks back. You should now be able to associate your company to the Events caegroty once you have logged in. You can also upload photos, etc. Please let me know if you have any difficulty and I&#8217;ll be happy to help.Best re,ardsgMartin.